Season VI – Sunday Brunch

Season VI
Piet Stockmans & Frederik Vercruysse
Duo Show
Blauw. Ceci n’est pas une couleur
Until 4 February 2018
Sunday Brunch : 15.X.2017, 12-4 pm
From Belgian Limburg to Antwerp, two men meet at the heart of a space-time that belongs to them: Piet Stockmans and Frederik Vercruysse. With abstraction that is an art that is free and liberated from stereotypes, the two creators preserve and transcend, each in their own way, the detail, the setting, the treatment of light and colour: a striking whiteness, a cobalt blue with deep nuances and densities, a sense of elegance, of folds, of tension, of flatness, of twists that filter the material, throwing their shadow or illuminating the matter with a sudden clarity.
On the occasion of this two-person exhibition, Piet Stockmans and Frederik Vercruysse converse around the theme “Blauw. Ceci n’est pas une couleur”. Stockmans, master of porcelain and inventor of his famous Stockmansblauw, and Vercruysse, talented architecture and interior design photographer, inhabit the space through artistic installations and tactile and visual assemblages. The three successive rooms of the Spazio Nobile gallery are thus occupied by unique works or limited editions from these two protagonists with a singular sensibility.
Giving form to the object, the landscape, a space, bringing the inert to life, conjuring up an image, an object or a setting with a soul, is a process the two artists pursue naturally. The alchemy between the two creators draws the gaze towards a new way of perceiving the applied arts, design and photography. The mindset in which the exhibition was developed is to insert the visitor into a particular universe that moves beyond the reality of porcelain or photography.
Other dates of Sunday brunch to save in your agenda: 19.XI – 17.XII. 2017 & 14.I.2018 – 28.I.2018
(during BRAFA Art Fair) 12.00-16.00
Spazio Nobile is opened from Wednesday to Saturday from 11 am until 6 pm
More information on:, T. +32 (0)2 768 25 10
Check our Season VI on our online store.
On the pictures: exhibition views photographed by Frederik Vercruysse