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Enabling People

February, 12 2016

Strategies and methods to enable people. Interview with Francois Jégou of Strategic Design Scenarios.

Human Cities Toolbox

February, 10 2016

THE TOOLBOX: one of the most important outcomes of Human Cities II; enabling citizens to take action.

A brief resumé of the past.

February, 04 2016

Before HUMAN CITIES 2015-2018, Challenging the city scale, accelerates, discover a snapshot of the past through the eyes of the oldest partners.

Pilotprojekt Jakominiviertel – Graz

February, 02 2016

Pilotprojekt Jakominiviertel  – Pilot Project Jakomini Quarter www.jakominiviertel.at In the 18th century, the quarter of Jakomini was a suburban zone, where baron Caspar Andreas von Jakomini erected many houses along Jakoministraße,

Il Giardino degli Aromi – Milan

February, 02 2016

Il Giardino degli Aromi – The Seasoning’s Garden http://www.ilgiardinodegliaromi.org Il Giardino degli Aromi was set up because of the will of re-appropriation of a disused park from a group of women passionate in plantation.

ProstoRož – Ljubljana

February, 02 2016

ProstoRož – Space of Flowers http://www.prostoroz.org/eng The association and the project of Prostoroz were created in 2004 by three young architects who studied together at the Architecture University of Ljubljana. The Ljubljana they were living in at that time was nothing to do compare to what the city is nowadays.

Je participe à la rénovation de mon école ! – Saint-Etienne

February, 02 2016

Je participe à la rénovation de mon école ! – I’m participating in the renovation of my school !   Je participe à la rénovation de mon école ! is an experiment born of a common and strong will between socio-cultural center Boris Vian and the Cité du Design,

DisPlace. Made in Chiaravalle – Milan

February, 02 2016

DisPlace. Made in Chiaravalle https://www.facebook.com/displacechiaravalle The most striking peculiarity of Chiaravalle is the absence of a public square, which is unusual for an Italian village. Actually, there is a central space,

Unlimited Cities DIY (UNLI DIY) – World-wide

February, 02 2016

Unlimited Cities DIY (UNLI DIY) http://www.unli-diy.org/FR/index.php The association and its philosophy Created in 2010, the start-up UFO tries to invent digital tools to help the development of cooperation and participation in urban processes.

Farm Cultural Park – Favara

February, 02 2016

Farm Cultural Park http://www.farm-culturalpark.com The story of Favara started in 2010 when notary Andrea Bartoli and his lawyer wife Florinda Saieva decided to move from Paris and restart their life in their native region,

V troje – Ljubljana

February, 02 2016

V troje  – Threesome   The formal encounter of the future partners This bottom up initiative started in a formal way. 30 young professionals were invited by the British Council Slovenia (an institution promoting cultural relations,

Skupaj na ploščad! – Ljubljana

February, 02 2016

Skupaj na ploščad!  – Together to the Platform!   Bratovževa ploščad is one of numerous sleeping neighbourhoods of Ljubljana that lack its own local life and identity. Even if extensive paved and green open spaces are provided in the neighbourhood they are desolate and not used.

TOUS CHAMPIONS – Saint-Etienne

February, 02 2016

TOUS CHAMPIONS ! – Everybody is a champion !   Tous Champions! Was born from a bigger, international initiative: People Olympics. People Olympics: 10.000s strong teams competing for their city WellBeing,

Coltivando. L’orto conviviale al Politecnico di Milano – Milan

February, 02 2016

Coltivando. L’orto conviviale al Politecnico di Milano- Coltivando. The Convivial garden at Politecnico di Milano http://www.coltivando.polimi.it The Bovisa Durando campus, which houses the School of Design, was built at the end of the 90s on the site of “Ceretti &

Open Your Space

February, 02 2016

Human Cities Network has successfully expanded. Human Cities partner Davide Fassi PhD, Associate professor at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano collaborated recently on the Collateral Exhibitions of the 2015 Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of UrbanismArchitecture.

Velenje pilot project – Velenje

February, 02 2016

Velenje pilot project – ReNewTown, New Post-Socialist city: competitive and attractive http://www.renewtown.eu/renovation-velenje.html Velenje was once a small village in the north-east of Slovenia. After the Second World War, during the socialist regime of Tito,

Atelier Toboggan – Saint-Etienne

February, 02 2016

Atelier Toboggan – Urban Street Slide Workshop Introduced by the Captain Ludd designers, this participative workshop of manufacturing a “urban street slide workshop” aimed at creating a moment of meeting around a do-it-yourself activity with the the Crêt-de-Roch inhabitants.

Non Riservato – Milan

February, 02 2016

Non Riservato http://www.nonriservato.net The concept of Non Riservato has born in 2011, when Ex-Voto organized a series of meetings related to sharing culture and social regeneration. They wanted to offer an entertaining and sustainable way out of social isolation and frustration.

NIL28 – Milan

February, 02 2016

NIL28 https://it-it.facebook.com/pages/NIL28/110273269049272 NIL28 was founded in 2011 by a number of creative professionals and studios sharing the same neighbourhood and willing to put their expertise to the service of local inhabitants.

Linnad Kõigile-Tallinn Kõigile – Tallinn

February, 02 2016

Linnad Kõigile-Tallinn Kõigile – Cities for All – Tallin for All The participants have three goals: — To make Tallinn a more accessible and comfortable destination and to improve it as a place to live by opening the city to more of its residents: people like the elderly,

The Walled Garden – London

February, 02 2016

The Walled Garden The Walled Garden story started for Clear Village in 2011, when Clear Village founder Thomas Ermacora visited the site and was struck by its potential. At the time the garden had been derelict for many years,

THINKtent Beograd Human City – Belgrade

February, 02 2016

THINKtent Beograd Human City – THINKtent Belgrade Human City THINKtent Beograd Human City aims to offer the people of Belgrade an intimate, beautiful and safe space for them to come together for conversation and reflection.