
Stay up-to-date on Pro Materia Creative Consultancy with Spazio Nobile and TL Magazine 

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Mounir Fatmi – Archaeology of Materials

September, 23 2018

At the Götesborgs Konstahall, Mounir Fatmi considers the importance of materials as a tool for the future understanding of our present modes of technology and communication.

Why Materials Matter

September, 21 2018

TLmag talks to Seetal Solanki, founder and director of design research studio Ma-tt-er about their new book ‘Why Materials Matter’

Marcin Rusak – Imperishable Knowledge

September, 15 2018

Currently exhibited at Horta Museum and Spazio Nobile Gallery in Brussels, Marcin Rusak challenges the material and cultural boundaries of flower production.

13th Tallinn Design Festival!

September, 15 2018

The Final Human Cities Challenging the City Scale 2014-2018 event will be held in Tallinn during  XIII Tallinn Design Festival. In fact Human Cities is this year’s theme of the festival.

Talking Botanic Psyche with Marlène Huissoud

September, 12 2018

Spazio Nobile’s upcoming Botanic Psyche exhibition reunites designers Marlène Huissoud and Marcin Rusak who both use nature as the material for their works

Dried & Soft: Laureline Galliot

September, 11 2018

Laureline Galliot presents her distinctive designs, created using new technological tools such as the iPad, at Balsan as part of Paris Design Week 2018

“Design + eat = Spaces”, a Milan Masterclass

September, 10 2018

During the 2017/2018 academic year of the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano, the Milan team has been involved in a final Design studio with a specific main topic: Food&Design,

NO/AN – From North to South

September, 10 2018

“Each NO/AN handbag is produced from start to finish by the same craftsperson”. NO/AN is above all a wonderful human story, in step with the international spirit of the European capital that is the cradle of a brand which cultivates the Slow and put ethics at the centre of its creative approach.

HOET&HOET: Brand Architects

September, 10 2018

Ronane Hoet, one half of graphic design studio Hoet&Hoet, talks to TLmag about brand identity, storytelling and the importance of listening

Douglas the Traveling Celebrity

September, 07 2018

What do you get when you blow molten hot glass into a mold made of Douglas Fir? A Douglas Vase designed by François Azambourg at CIAV in 2007.

At Random: Laetitia Bica

September, 05 2018

As part of our series on the artists and designers behind Spazio Nobile’s The Random Collection, we asked Laetitia Bica about her thoughts on collecting the unique