Glass is Tomorrow Exhibtion: Nationalmuseum Stockholm
— February, 22 2016

The “Glass is Tomorrow” exhibition was mounted at Nationalmuseum Design from 17 June to 23 August 2015.
The exhibition featured a selection of pieces from the various workshops, presented thematically by manufacturing method. In all, around 300 glass prototypes by over 60 designers and glassblowers from all parts of Europe were on display.
In Stockholm, the exhibition was expanded to include some unique pieces by 10 glass designers who had a connection to the city: Esmé Alexander, Anna Berglund, Frida Fjellman, Ulla Forsell, Gunilla Kihlgren, Simon Klenell, Matilda Kästel, Sara Lundkvist, Fredrik Nielsen and Karin Törnell.
Earlier that year, Glass is Tomorrow appeared at the Musée de la Mine in Saint-Etienne, France, coinciding with the Biennale Internationale Design, and at the Milan Furniture Fair with Nude Glass from Turkey.